Mission:  National Disability Theatre (NDT) was in operation from August 2018 to June 2023. NDT’s mission at the time of its closure was: 

  • National: to denote the geographical scope of the corporation’s operations and programming. Geographical fluidity and mobility help NDT maximize our impact and connect disabled theatre artists across the nation.

  • Disability: We acknowledge that the designation of disability is ever-fluctuating, depending on various factors such as legality, culture, temporality. NDT provides programming to support theatre artists who (i) consent to the designation of disability; (ii) create works that are access-centered and incorporate Disabled aesthetics, including authentic, sensitive, and progressive attitudes towards disabled people.

  • Theatre: Any collaborative form of live performance-based arts, which includes, but not limited to stage plays, dance performances, music recitals, and any design and administrative work that supports the occurrence of such performances.

National Disability Theatre is an organization centered on the principles of disability justice in our programming that strives to:

  • employ professional theatre artists who create fully accessible theatre and storytelling that cultivates authentic, sensitive, and progressive attitudes towards disabled people;

  • change social policy and the nation’s narrative about disability culture;

  •  and provide a guiding model in accessibility for the arts and cultural sector.